Monday, November 4, 2013

Monthly/Bimonthly Maintenance

To prevent buying overpriced, overpackaged convenience items, I make a habit of mixing in more ingredients. This month, I got a $.50 box of baking soda and a $1.00 bar of soap from the dollar store. I grated the bar with a cheese grater and added it to my existing powdered detergent container plus about half a box of baking soda (probably should've gotten two boxes as it's very multipurpose). Onto hair. Grocery Outlet had a coconut oil hair mask for $1.99. Took an empty baby food jar, dumped the hair mask inside and mixed with my normal conditioner. Now it'll last me 1-2 more uses! As for my moisturizer, I spooned two teaspoons solidified coconut oil into another empty jar plus a few drops of argan and olive oil. Not uber cheap, but cooking with even slightly less oil easily allows for this.

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