Thursday, November 14, 2013


Admittedly I have a tendency to procrastinate. I think it's a psyche, morale, time management issue more than anything. Today I decided to tackle the things I've been meaning to put off. It's almost as rejuvenating as meditation which coincidentally is also very hit and miss with my mindset. Grr! Some of the things include: sorting through my husband's papers, my kids' socks, bagging up toys the kids are less than ecstatic about (at the moment), soaking bras+eye mask in a solution of peroxide+baking soda+soap, putting a pile of anything with holes aside to mend, updating specific goals in my planner, and making gift bows using ribbon and scissors. Not bad for being one p.m.! With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I am most thankful for my immediate family and God. My husband has been a tremendous supporter. My children inspire me to push through and better myself everyday.

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