Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A Word to My Readers

I apologize for not posting as often as I would like. My IPad is in need of repair. My xbox, phone, and library computers will not let me write in paragraphs or use a spacer bar adequately. You deserve professionalism! I will be back! Until then, stay crafty!  :-)

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Admittedly I have a tendency to procrastinate. I think it's a psyche, morale, time management issue more than anything. Today I decided to tackle the things I've been meaning to put off. It's almost as rejuvenating as meditation which coincidentally is also very hit and miss with my mindset. Grr! Some of the things include: sorting through my husband's papers, my kids' socks, bagging up toys the kids are less than ecstatic about (at the moment), soaking bras+eye mask in a solution of peroxide+baking soda+soap, putting a pile of anything with holes aside to mend, updating specific goals in my planner, and making gift bows using ribbon and scissors. Not bad for being one p.m.! With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I am most thankful for my immediate family and God. My husband has been a tremendous supporter. My children inspire me to push through and better myself everyday.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My Late Uncle's Artwork

My uncle passed on several months back, and although I miss him greatly, I feel fortunate to be able to share his work with all of you.

Life Hacks #Children Edition

You can use the metal from broken spiral notebooks and fine needle nose tweezers to string flash cards together. The metal wont be completely straight no matter how hard you pull, but a little organization can go a long way. Sterilizing baby bottles doesn't get any easier than using your coffee maker! Just make sure you wash it out again with different water if there's any risk of caffeine contamination, etc. No problems with the single use kind which I recently learned!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Knotted Infinity Scarf

I inherited a granny-style red nylon crinkle top last night. Being somewhat of a fabric snob (synthetics feel uncomfortable), I didn't want to take the top in. This is my first attempt at an infinity aka circle scarf. You cut the fabric into consistently sized strips (according to how wide or narrow you prefer your scarves). Then you place them all into a row.
Knot the fabric until you have formed a circle formation. Trim excess fabric around the knot if applicable. Make a few stitches to secure knots. Voila! Enjoy!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Face Scrub

The recipe: 1 t. Organic sour cream, 1/2 t. Organic maple syrup, 1 t. Organic turbinado sugar, plus a pinch of coffee grounds. The result? Smooth, hydrated skin!