Thursday, October 24, 2013

Bring New Life to Baby Clothes

Having two children poses me with the dilemma of what to do with ALL of those outgrown/stained baby clothes. It's a nice idea to post items with little wear on Craigslist, Freecycle, or what have you. Below are two ideas for items you want to keep for sentimental reasons--or articles that have seen better days. My projects are incomplete as I am planning to add more fabric as my daughter outgrows her present clothing. If you know how to crochet, cut the items into slender yet lengthy strips, either tying the pieces (for an edgier look), or lightly stitch to make fabric yarn. If sewing a patchwork quilt is more your thing, more power to you. Rug or blanket, your child will enjoy for years to come. (:

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